wearing dresses!" Tina piped up. "Then I guess will go, 11 he submitted. The women applauded his decision. "I'll be over Friday to help you get ready and then we'll pick up Tina and you two go to the dance!" Cindy explained. got up to leave. "See you around noon Friday,' Cindy said as they left.



The two women

Terry worked extra-hard on Thursday because he would be taking most of the next day off. Although he was apprehensive about the thought of wearing a dress to his first square dance he was looking forward to meeting new people. "Besides,"

he thought, "Tina did say that there would be other people wearing dresses."

Friday morning came up fast.

It seemed like

he had just fallen asleep when the sun hit the window shade. He did his normal morning chores until Cindy pulled up. Then he put his tools away and went into the house. She and Susan were talking as he came in. "I'm glad you came in just now, Terry. It's time to get started. in and take a shower and be sure to wash your hair good and use plenty of cream rinse," Susan ordered "Why all the fuss?" he wondered. "We'll need the rest of the afternoon to get him ready for the dance," Cindy said to Susan.


When he emerged from the bathroom Cindy motioned for him to sit down on the chair in front

of her. "Why?" he asked. "I'm going to do your hair up real special for tonight," she replied sweetly. "That's okay. I just figured I'd wear the dress and that's all," he responded. "Why not go all the way, Terry? It's your first square dance and to tell you the truth Cindy and I have been looking forward to dressing you up all week, Susan commented. "I think that Tina would be very disappointed if you didn't," Cindy coaxed.


Once again he felt that strange pressure. Why was it that he always felt like there was more to this than they mentioned? "Besides, Terry, you ruined your hair before I could see it the last time. You own me one now, "1 Cindy stated with a


hurt tone in her voice.


"Okay ladies! Let's get busy. I've got a date tonight, " he said in as cheerful tone as he could manage. le plopped down in the chair and Cindy began setting his hair. She was positioning the rollers differently than the time before. The back ones being placed vertically instead of horizontally. While she was doing his hair Susan sat down in front of him with "I don't need a mania bottle of nail polish. Thanks anyway," he told her. "Now honey, you just sit still and let us get you ready for the dance. Don't worry about a thing. Okay? You will have your fun tonight so why not let a couple of old ladies have theirs now." He nodded and she proceeded to apply coats of cherry red polish to his toenails. While they were drying she took -his fingers, one at a time, and brushed the colorful liquid on each nail expertly. When both women had finished they led him into a room in the house where he had never been before. The door was down the hall from his but he had never opened it nor asked Susan what was behind it.

It took a moment for his eyes to take it all in. In the corner stood a canopy bed with white and pink lace trim. The curtains were frilly and feminine as was everything else that met his glance. There were strategically located mirrors on the walls that enabled him to see himself from all angles simply by standing in the middle of the room. The dresser tops were covered with bottles of perfume and cosmetics, all placed on dainty doilies so as not to mar the furniture. It was the most feminine room he had ever seen! "I designed this room for my daughter," Susan began. "But she would never use it. Terry was uncomfortable. It seemed like a place where a man should not tread. That feeling combined with the look on Susan's face made him feel like a captive all of a sudden.

Susan produced a pair of pantyhose as Cindy sat him down at the vanity. "You're right Susan. He's not hairy at all," Cindy said as if agreeing to an unspoken statement. Susan began to show Terry the proper way to put on nylons. "No need